Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Was a sober year

a year of recovery
commitment and hard work
It was a year of healing for our family
It was the year that hope was restored
The past several years Addiction swept into our lives and cast a dark, gloomy veil on our world
There were moments of intense despair,and hopelessness, as we fought an unseen enemy
who would nearly destroy us all 
The memories of years past are woven together by fractured memories of the destruction addiction left in it's wake
Broken promises and shattered dreams
2012 was the year hope was restored
2012 was the year God reached into the dark hole and pulled our son back into the light.
It was the year of healing for us all
2012 was the year that I really came to accept my powerlessness
It was the year I came to know God,
It was the year I learned
that I am never alone
It was the year God offered our family  a second chance
2013 really is a
New Year
A New Beginning
A do over for us all
I don't know what 2013 will bring but I do know that I am filled with gratitude that hope has been restored! I know that God has plans for me and for my son and that we will both take what we have learned on this journey and  lead others back into the light. I will be forever grateful for one more day to love the boy that lit up my world
28 years ago

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